Osteokondroosi on yleisnimitys kasvuhäiriölle, jossa ruston alainen luutuminen epäonnistuu, mikä aiheuttaa kyseiseen kohtaan rustovaurion. Osteokondroosia voi esiintyä koiralla melkein missä vain nivelessä, mutta se on tavallisinta olkanivelessä. Osteokondroosi yleisesti ottaen on monitekijäinen sairaus, jonka ilmenemiseen vaikuttavat myös ympäristötekijät. Lisätietoa Kennelliiton OC-lausunnosta: https://www.kennelliitto.fi/kasvatus-ja-terveys/koiran-terveys/koiran-terveystutkimukset/olkanivelen-oc

Mainitsemasi Embark geenitesti taas on onnistuttu kehittämään yhtä hyvin tietyntyyppistä, mm. kääpiökasvuisuuteen johtavaa ja ainakin kääpiövillakoirilla esiintyvää osteokondroosia vastaan. Lisätietoa tästä sairaudesta: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0051917. En pidä todennäköisenä, että kyseisen testin perusteella voisi tehdä johtopäätöksiä Kennelliiton OC-kuvauksilla tutkittavasta osteokondroosista.


Lohen OCD -tutkimusprojekti


Embark geenitesti:

Osteochondrodysplasia, Skeletal Dwarfism (SLC13A1, Poodle Variant)

Skeletal (Skeletal)

Gene: SLC13A1

Inheritance type: recessive

As a fetus, most of the bones of the body actually start as cartilage models of themselves. Over time, the cartilage is replaced with the bones that you (and your dog) are born with. Dogs affected with osteochondrodysplasia have a mutation in the SLC13A1 gene, which codes for a protein that transports minerals into the developing bone. Defects in this gene disrupt the cartilage to bone transition, leading to inappropriate skeletal development.

"We can currently test for Osteochondrodysplasia, also referred to as Skeletal Dwarfism, however, this variant is specific to Poodles and Poodle mixes. Affected dogs have inappropriate skeletal development and typically present with abnormally short legs, flattened rib cages, and an underbite due to the disruption in the transition process of cartilage to bone.

While Osteochondrosis and Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) are both conditions that affect cartilage, they differ from Osteochondrodysplasia. Osteochondrosis refers to the abnormal development of cartilage on the end of a bone in the joint (Often the shoulder, elbow, stifle, and hock) and typically affects young, large breed dogs. OCD is when the affected cartilage separates from the underlying bone and causes a flap; sometimes these flaps can completely separate from the underlying bone and migrate in the joint space.

Unfortunately, at this time, we are not offering a test for Osteochondrosis nor OCD. There are several possible reasons for this. It’s possible that a causative mutation for the disease has not yet been identified. Some mutations have been noted but not yet published in a peer-reviewed journal. Alternatively, some mutations have been published, but have not been validated in-house or by other researchers. At Embark, we believe that scientific peer review and replicability are critical requirements and do not offer mutation-based tests that lack either. We review the literature regularly to assess new publications. In general, each year, we update our testing platform to include tests for mutations that have recently been published or validated. These tests will be visible on our website when available. "